Sovereign Class

Here is all the date i found on this class: after the data you can find pictures of this class.

Famous Sovereign class in the fleet: USS Enterprise E "To boldly go where no one has gone before"

The Sovereign Class Starship is the most advanced and the most powerful and bigest ship seen in StarTrek.

The Sovereign Class Starship is an explorer, it is the largest (in length [685 M]) ship seen in
Star Trek. It has 26 decks and is the one of the most advanced ships in Starfleet, equipped with
the latest weaponry such as quantum torpedoes.

Sovereign Class
Quantum Torpedoes:150 Photon Torpedoes:150 Phasar Banks:20 Small Surgical Phasar Banks:10 Maximum Warp Speed:9.99 Special Ability:Escape Pods Shields:48 Damage Capacity:20 Shuttlecrafts:4 Additions:Built in Transwarp The U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-E has a holodeck, one large tractor beam and two smaller tractor beams. She is the most advanced ship in the fleet. After what happened with the Enterprise-D, the E is fitted with escape pods for every one of her crew but no saucer separation. These are some of the features of the 42 decks of this ship: Phasars and hand held disruptors:Deck 12, Room 10 Bridge:Deck 1, Room 1 Engineering:Deck 30, Room 1 Holodeck:Deck 15, Room 16 Sickbay:Deck 34, Room 14 Torpedoes and Phasar Bank Room:Deck 28, Room 24 Storage Bay:Deck 40, Room 2 Ready Room:Deck 1, Room 2 Shuttlecraft Bay:Deck 14, Room 4 Brig:Deck 16, Room 20 Transporter Room:Deck 12, Room 16 Escape Pod Deck:Deck 12 Stellar Chartography:Deck 6, Room 4 Mess Hall:Deck 11, Room 1

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