Galaxy class

Here is all the text i cauld find about the galaxy class, after the text you can find many many many cool pictures of the Galaxy class. Personaly i think the Galaxy class is the most butiful and the best starship ever built by StarFleet.

Famous Galaxy class in the fleet: USS Enterpise D - "To Boldly go where no one has gone before"

The Galaxy Class Starship is designed to be an explorer. It has a large primary hull (saucer
section) and a secondary hull (stardrive section) below it. These two sections are able to
separate into two ships, each with their own command centers (Main Bridge for saucer and
Battle Bridge for stardrive). The stardrive section is warp-capable, while the saucer section has
impulse power only. A Galaxy Class Starship has 46 Decks and a compliment of about 1000
(including civillians). The length of the Galaxy Class Starship is 641 M. At least six Galaxy Class
starships have been built by Starfleet

it's mission is to visit the unknow, to seek out new life and sivilizations and to baldy go where no man has gone before. The Galaxy class starship can do a1000 jobs, it is fast, powerfull and strong as one. The Galaxy class used to be the leading ship of the Federation and the USS Enterprise D was the flagship of the Federation. The Galaxy is more powerfull then Ecselsior class and faster, it it slitly more powerful then Defiant class, but not as manuvreble. The Galaxy is the second bigest ship in the Federation. The Galaxy class is still one of the most advanced ships of the Federation

Fifth starship to bear the name. Built at Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards orbiting Mars and launched on October 4, 2363 (Stardate 40759.5) under the command of Captain Picard. It was 641 meters long. The Enterprise-D was once flung into the Delta Quadrant by Q where first contact with the Borg was made. Later, the Enterprise was the only surviving ship of the Borg invasion of 2367. It had to undergo six weeks of repair after that incident. The Enterprise was once caught in a temporal causality loop and was repeatedly destroyed for 17.4 days when the USS Bozeman kept ramming into it. The Enterprise was placed under Captain Edward Jellico's command in 2369 when Starfleet ordered Picard to infiltrate a Cardassian base. After the mission was over, Picard was put back in command. The Enterprise was destroyed at Veridian III after it suffered a warp core breach. The Klingon sisters of Duras, Lursa and B'Etor, discovered the Enterprise's shields modulation and fired at the Enterprise. A saucer separation was attempted after the Bird-of-Prey the Duras sisters were in was destroyed. The stardrive section exploded and the shockwave sent the saucer section into Veridian III, where it crashed. In an alternate future, the Enterprise was used by Admiral William Riker. It was modified heavily. It had a third warp nacelle, quantum torpedoes, a cloaking device, and enhanced phasers.


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