Defient class

Here is all the data i found about the Defient class:

Famous Defient class ship: USS Defient

The Defient class is a warship. Build to fight the borg. It is not an explorer and it's only purpuse is for battle. The Defient class is slightly less armed then Sovereign class but it's much slower (at warp) and it's shields are much lighter then the Sovereign class. The Sovereign class is an Warship/Explorer and the Defient class is only a warship.

The Defiant Class Starship is a warship built to fight the Borg. It is very small in size with only
four decks, and a length of 170 M, making it maneuverable in combat. The Defiant Class
Starship only requires a crew of about 45 to run it. There are very few luxuries onboard, quarters
are shared and the sickbay and shuttlebay are compact. The USS Defiant is equiped with
ablative armour, phaser cannons, quantum torpedoes and a cloaking device (on loan from
Romulans). At least four Defiant Class Starships have been built by Starfleet.

Defiant Class
Quantum Torpedoes:200 Photon Torpedoes:50 Phasar Banks:6 Rapid Fire Torpedoes:100 Maximum Warp Speed:8 Special Ability:Hyper Cloaking Device Shields:30 Damage Capacity:(Ablative armor)30 Shuttlepods:6 The U.S.S. Defiant is designed for war. When in conflicts with the Borg or the Dominion, this ship is a very valuable asset. It also incorporates the new Hyper cloaking device which prevents any type of detection. These are some of her features: Bridge:Deck 1, Room 1 Ready Room:Deck1, Room2 Brig:Deck 2, Room 3 Shuttle Bay:Deck 4, Room 1 Phasars and Hand Held Weapons Room:Deck 1, Room 3 Weapons Room:Deck 3, Room 1 Engineering:Deck 4, Room 2 Sickbay:Deck 2, Room 1 Transporter Room:Deck 3, Room 4 Mess Hall:Deck 2, Room 2

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